Yue Fei was a famous anti-Jin general in the Southern Song Dynasty. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- His reputation rested on his deeds in defending the Southern Song territory. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- The Jins (N¨zhens) were tribesmen in north China. In 1125 and 1126 the Jin troops crossed the Yellow River and marched straight to --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Kaifeng, the Song Capital. In the emergency of the national calamity caused by foreign aggression, Yue Fei volunteered for the army. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- But while Yue Fei was in his effort to drive the Jin troops out of the country, Qin Hui, a favorite minister of the imperial court, was jealous --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- of his achievements. He instigated the emperor to order the Song troops to withdraw from the front and deprived Yue Fei of his military --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- power. Finally Yue Fei was executed on a trumped-up charge. Since his death, Yue Fei¡s image has become an important symbol of --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- loyalty to one¡s country for the Chinese people.